Stop 2: The Fountain

Stop 2: The Fountain
I'm sure you’ve already noticed by now, but there is a large fountain near the boat launch. It is turned on most of the year while the lake is not frozen. This fountain provides a beautiful centerpiece to this area of Benton Lake and helps with water movement and aeration. Aerators, machines that pump air into water within lakes, run throughout the year to help increase the oxygen levels within the water. If you have a fish tank at home, you may be familiar with the concept of aeration and why it is important for fish. These aerators can help keep fish such as largemouth bass and bluegills alive during winter, as due to the shallow depth of the lake, it may freeze over without water movement and aeration. Around the wintertime, you will see signs warning of thin ice. The aeration that keeps fish alive throughout winter also thins the ice. Be careful if you are in the area around wintertime, and look out for posted warnings that may be in place.

Stop 2: The Fountain

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